David Allen Award returns to Borderway Agri Expo to challenge young livestock farmers skills, knowledge and capabilities.
Following its successful launch last year, the David Allen Stockperson of the Year Award returns to Harrison & Hetherington’s Borderway Agri Expo for the second year running to test the skills, knowledge and capabilities of the progressive livestock farmer, with an attractive cash prize for the top three spots. The competition is open to current members of any Young Farmers Club.
Run in conjunction with David Allen, British Charolais Cattle Society, NEMSA and Cumbrian Young Farmers, the competition will see pairs of Young Farmer members be tested in three classes covering stock-judging, EBVs and stock valuation. The aim of the challenge is to test entrants on their overall knowledge, eye for detail and innovation when it comes to livestock production.
Commenting on the return of this competition, Laura Millar, Borderway Agri Expo Event Co-ordinator, said: “As an organisation, we are passionate about encouraging and supporting the next generation and through this competition give them the opportunity to challenge themselves, putting themselves outside of their comfort zone, in order to develop their knowledge and understanding, and possibly learn something too.”
The competition will be broken down into three classes:
Class 1 – Stock-judging
Each pair must place animals in the correct order as determined by the chosen judge.
Class 2 – EBV Challenge
Pairs must select the most appropriate bull for each given scenario from details of the EBVs provided.
Class 3 – Stock Value Challenge
Each pair must value four different grades of stock including store animal, calf, prime lamb and breeding sheep.
The overall winner will walk away with £300 and the Overall Champion trophy. Second place will receive £150 and third £100.
The competition is open to pairs of Young Farmers Club members aged 16-26. Please note, both participants must be a current member of a YFC. Registration on the day. For further information please visit: borderwayagriexpo.co.uk.